Building Scalable Web Sites. Cal Henderson
ISBN: 0596102356,9780596102357 | 352 pages | 9 Mb

Building Scalable Web Sites Cal Henderson
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
There, I've given away the clincher already. Will Larson's blog about programming and other things. The task: summarize notes from a lecture about scaling PHP apps. There is even a lot of code in there, mostly to show where bottlenecks are, how to find them and how Flickr solved them, creating more scalable PHP code and in the long run, a more scalable web site. What exactly does it mean to build and operate a scalable Web site or application? Though Nifty Spot is a young company, vigorous growth forced them to seek help in building a scalable web site design which could keep up with their rapidly expanding customer base. Finally I'm recovering some free time, so I'm going back to reading tech books. Book Review: Building Scalable Websites. Download Free eBook:Building Scalable Web Sites: Building, scaling, and optimizing the next generation of web applications - Free chm, pdf ebooks rapidshare download, ebook torrents bittorrent download. �Building Scalable Websites” is one of those tech books that is really hot around Silicon Valley. Ĺ�名:Building Scalable Web Sites 出版时间:2006年5月官网链接:官网链接 下载地址(eMule):英文PDF 英文EPUB 英文MOBI 下载地址(115):英文PDF 英文EPUB 英文MOBI. I have quick review of another excellent post by the folks at the RightScale on their blog1. This, and many other real life anecdotes, make Building Scalable Web Sites: The Flickr Way by Yahoo's Cal Henderson, the engineering manager for photo-sharing service Flickr, a memorable read. I should have clarified that I am not looking to build scalable websites (unless someone shows how to respond to a million hits per second on a dual or quad core machine). In continuing some of my thoughts and reviews of the RightScale service. In 2006, O'Reilly published Cal Henderson's Building Scalable Web Sites, teaching readers what Flickr had learned on its way from small site to cultural icon. Building Scalable Web Sites: Building, scaling, and optimizing the next generation of web applications by Cal Henderson (Author) # Paperback: 348 pages # Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.; illustrated edition edition (Ma.. It's a book that every web developer working with big sites should have in his desktop.