A Stone's Throw: An Ellie Stone Mystery by James W. Ziskin

A Stone's Throw: An Ellie Stone Mystery James W. Ziskin ebook
ISBN: 9781633884199
Publisher: Prometheus Books
Format: pdf
Page: 288
They're developing an uncanny, unspoken communication between them, which will be on display front and center in AStone's Throw, book six, in June 2018. A suspicious fire claims a tumbledown foaling barn on the grounds of the once-proud Tempesta Stud Farm, halfway between New Holland and Saratoga Springs, NY. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In James Ziskin's third installment in the Ellie Stone Mystery series, Ellie Stone appears to have not received the fame she expected from her previous case. Then there are some real movie Cast the First Stone. Styx & Stone: An Ellie Stone Mystery (Ellie Stone Mysteries) [James W. Cast the First Stone 2018 LEFTY AWARD FINALIST FOR BEST MYSTERY NOVEL STARRED REVIEW from Publishers Weekly "Ziskin's depiction of the era's everyday sexism, homophobia, and racism is pitch-perfect, and Ellie's narration adds compassion and humanity to sensitive topics. In this one, she goes back to her little town in upstate New York and, through the use of a police scanner, is able to scoop the typical male reporter on the story of a beautiful judge's daughter, murdered and left by the roadside in the woods. Ellie is on the story, diving headfirst into a treacherous demimonde of Hollywood wannabes, beautiful young men, desperately ambitious ingénues, panderers, and pornography hobbyists. This second book in the series is a good followup to Ellie Stone's life. Vivid period detail, a clever plot revolving around a stolen academic manuscript, and a memorable protagonist add up to one of the year's best mystery debuts. The blaze, one of several in recent years at the abandoned farm, barely prompts a shrug from the local sheriff. Amazon配送商品ならA Stone's Throw: An Ellie Stone Mystery (Ellie StoneMysteries)が通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。James W. The Paperback of the A Stone's Throw: An Ellie Stone Mystery by James W. Ellie is my kind of gal—she's witty, relentless, and doesn't apologize for throwing back a whiskey after a rough day. But that idyllic idea is destroyed in the pages of James Ziskin's latest Ellie Stonemystery, CAST THE FIRST STONE.